Thursday, July 15, 2010

Citizen Jounalism and its ethics: Ohmynews

Ohmynews is one of user-generated media sites in South Korea and it is operated by citizen journalists and professional journalists. OhMyNews gains 70 percent of its content from nearly 38,000 citizen reporters and 30 percent of professional journalists. (see Chris Murray’s post). In Ohmynews, people can write articles, comment on stories as well as debate and discuss issues, which are impossible in traditional mass media. The site was successful model not only because of being a pioneer in South Korea but also having citizen journalists and professional editors who filter the content. Ohmynews ‘empowers’ common people to report news with various perspectives, which mainstream media does not deal with, thus, Ohmynews is interactive and democratic.

However, although Ohmynews has positive views in terms of engaging common people into reporting news in different points of view, it involves ethical problems. In a Korean website (
café where people can criticizes news reporting, I could find several posts that give critical comments on Ohmynews. They report news which is not true or which is not fair. In the point that those news could cause misunderstanding and confusion among people, ethical problems in Ohmynews cannot help being taken seriously. Due to common people are not professional at writing an article, they make couple of ethical problems though their perspectives are new and critical. Chris Murray notes some of criticisms on citizen journalsim; “Every citizen can be a reporter, can take on the powers that be (Landseman, p. 2, 2005).” But the luster of the Internet’s promise is dulling for Drudge, who now speaks about Web 2.0’s potential in more disillusioned terms. “There’s a danger of the Internet becoming loud, ugly and boring with a thousand voices screaming for attention,” Like this, citizen journalism cannot be seen as perfect and faultless form of news media. In other word, news that citizen journalists report might have ethical problems in terms of thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, and independence(from readings).

In order to serve public trust and professionalism, a series of ethics and standards should be adopted for citizen journalists around the world and should be observed. Brynne Tuggle (see
her post) claims that once citizen journalism has been widely accepted, it is followed by resposibility to the need of it. So, in order to be accountable for reporting news, What kinds of ethics do citizen journalists keep in mind?

1. See truth and do report
Before reporting, jornalists should clarify facts in order to seek truth and be fair news with having a sense of responsibility. Once their news are considered as reliable news, they can gain reputation in truthful reporting.

2. Respect people
Jounalists incline to overlook that subjects they report are human beings who deserve to be respected in order to get answers and they do report wihout kindness and respect.In this respect,ethical journalists should deal with sources, subjects and colleagues as respectable human beings.

3. Be independent
Citizen Journalists should not report according to the interests of centain associations, organisations and groups. They should not take any gifts, favors, or special treatment from them. They should report indepently for the public’s right to know.

It is really hard to keep them in mind and do it. However, these are basic code of ethics for being accountable citizen journalists, and these would help them to write truthful report for the public. As people are ‘empowered’ to report news, its ‘responsibility’ cannot be avoided.


  1. In fact, it is a bad atmosphere that people as citizen journalists are not being serious and sincere about what are they posting to the Internet. We all understand the consequences of receiving distorted information. However, i also think things have already changed nowadays.

    The majority of online audiences are probably from Gen-Y. As a Gen-Y, i understand and experience there is abundant and different aspects of information is received every hours or minutes. If we receive information or news that we doubt it, we can simply have a right click to 'google' related sources. After that, if the news we saw is not logical, we can always ignore or even tell others not to trust it. In addition, if information is untrustworthy on the the Internet, we can leave constructive comments to disagree it.

    Therefore, I believe that though information can be distorted by citizen journalists who maybe with ulterior motives, readers or audiences can figure out the way to sift and shift it.

  2. Would you agree if I said the ethical problem of citizen journalism is at the same time its biggest weakness? At least in my point of view, it is. The accuracy and fairness of the news report by citizen journalists have been severely criticized and indeed I also hold doubts on these reports since they are not written by professionals. However, I don’t think the public can compare traditional journalism with the citizen one. The latter relies on volunteers and citizens who are interested in political of social issue and like to share their views to others while the former one is a formal occupation with a long history and a set of rules. Like what you’ve mentioned above, there are some guidelines available for citizen journalist to improve their writing and reporting skills. So I still hold a positive view toward citizen journalism while carefully notice any bias in their reports. What about you?

    p.s sorry that I have to use my blogger ID to leave comment as I can't use my xanga ID to do it!!!!! :(

  3. Rose,
    I really like your idea that people should be serious about the information they publish. It is so important!

    Although, there are citizen journalists who cannot make this successfully, there are also many educated people who work for the sake of people and who are not preofessionals as well.
    I guess just like always when people recieve ANY information be it from citizen journasits or from professionals they need o take into consideration different other facts: who posted or wrote heinformation, in which sphere he is and what is the level of his education. It is also important to look at a wider perspective.

  4. The fact that we are able to think about this issue is one step forward to see the truth behind information.

    I believe in the future, people will be more intelligent in receiving information, because posts like this is becoming more common on the internet. The progress will be faster than before since internet itself is developing in a monstrous speed.

  5. Rose, thank you for your comment and I want to say that a large number of people tend not to challenge what news articles say. They are
    usually buried by what journalists say without critical thinking.(Except 'you' who has analytic attitude.:p) You say that if there is incorrect information, we can change it and ignore it. However, I think things are not simple like you saying. For common people, if there are rampaging unfair and false information, it would be difficult for them to distinguish which is ture and even for analytical peopel (like you) it would take time to tell the truth, and I think if 'news' made confusion because of its lack of accuracy and timeliness, it is not anymore 'news'. Thus, unethically written news should be prevented before journalists write and post them. In short, ethical perspective of citizen journalism
    should be considered significantly.

  6. Joyce thank you for your comment! I think so. You know I support citizen journalism! It is an action of 'empowering people'!! We can't be manipulated by authorities and mainstream media!!!!!

  7. Thank you Alina and Vincen! :) and vincen, you are the one who should post like 'this' so that 'this' can be common :D Don't forget it~

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes, Actually, I absolutely support that ethics of journalists. People need to be responsible to what they say and do.
